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Red Balls of Fire


Welcome to our kids Taolu Wushu & Kickboxing Program! 


In this system, the student will get to mix high flying action Martial Arts done by the likes of Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Chow Yun-Fat; using hand forms, a staff, and a swords.  The students will also learn K1 Kickboxing with aspects of Muay Thai for self defence and or competition purpose.  Should the student lean more towards the Kung Fu side, we will increase the Wing Chun requirements for self defence and reduce the kickboxing (and Vise Versa). 


Once a student reaches Black Sash, he or she can move to the adult programs and be ready to grade for the first, sometimes even the second grading OR that student can become a head coach and work toward the Gold Sash level which is a teacher degree.  We have coaching programs available for kids Yellow sash and up.

We aim to help kids be respectful, helpful, understanding, supportive, and motivational.  We work flexibility, cardio, conditioning, speed, accuracy, acrobatics and more.  This program is great for kids of all ages and levels. 

Book your free week trial today!  < Click to Book Free Trial  



Yearly Membership / Insurance Fee

Our Academy has a one time yearly membership and Insurance fee due upon registration.  This fee is

- $20.00 for light / no contact

- $30.00 for full contact

We wave this fee on the YEARLY LUMP SUM Payment.


Program Cost

3 Month Term - $130.00 / Month


3 Month Term Full Payment - $380.00 (Save $10)


6 Month Term Full Payment - $700.00 (Save $100)


12 Month Term Full Payment - $1200.00 (Save $360)


Black Sash Program - $3200.00 (don't pay again till black)

Gold Sash Program - $4200.00 (don't pay again till gold)

Private Lessons - $40.00 - $70.00 / Hour

Family Plans Available.



Schedule for Youth Program



Age 3-4 (New Members).........5:30pm - 6:00pm

Age 5-7 (New Members).........5:40pm - 6:20pm

Age 8+ (New Members)...........6:10pm - 6:50pm

For Senior levels - Please see schedule section


Age 5-7 (New Members).........5:40pm - 6:20pm

Age 8+ (New Members)...........6:10pm - 6:50pm

For Senior levels - Please see schedule section


Age 3-4 (New Members).........9:30pm - 10:00pm

Age 5-7 (New Members).........10:00pm - 10:30pm

Age 8+ (New Members)...........10:20pm - 11:00pm

For Senior levels - Please see schedule section

Private Lessons are by booking only


Uniform Requirements

During the trial period, just bring comfy clothes.  Our trial period consists of the free week trial and the first 3 months of membership.  After 3 months you are required to be in full uniform.


Kids Program Required Uniform

Club Issue T-Shirt (Black) - $40.00

Club Issue Sash - $30.00

Club Issue Shorts - $40.00

Black Tights / Compression Pants Optional



Membership Policy


Just like the rent, class fee's are due by the first of every month!  The cost is a set amount every month based on the cost of the facility and is not based on ones attendance.  Classes are still oporating even if you are unable to attend or chose not to.  Students that attend classes regularly and maintain an at home practice regime, excel the fastest.  It is up to you, to dedicate yourself and make the equipment and class fee's worth your time and money!

A class fee is often misconstrued as the student paying for the art, when in actuality, the art is free.  One could never afford to pay for the time and experienced given and received by the Sifu.  The Student pays for the lights and roof.  Everyone must pay and respectfully pay on time.  This is a great show of respect and support for your club, your kung fu family, your Sifu, and yourself!

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